AVC Sealing Solutions bv

AVC Sealing Solutions bv

Over ons

AVC Sealing Solutions is a dynamic company with many years of experience and a clear ambition: to be the best in our market. We are well on our way to achieving that goal, although we continuously expand our know-how through research and development. When it comes to our or rather your machines, we prefer speaking in terms of solutions instead of product ranges. After all, as a specialist in sealing and shrink-film wrapping, we offer customers a complete state-of-the art customised design to meet their specific requirements.
We will manufacture a machine of the highest possible quality for each individual customer and even install the fully operational machine at the customer’s site. We always provide technically sophisticated, effective, and economical packaging solutions. Our extensive experience puts us in an excellent position to assist you, preferably at an early stage, in addressing your packaging needs. A motivated team of professionals are ready to demonstrate each time that we are the best in our field and that this allows us to offer very competitive prices.





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