Servo Berkel Prior

Servo Berkel Prior

Over ons

We have been producing, supplying and servicing weighing equipment to companies at home and abroad, mainly in the chemical and food industry, for more than 80 years. Our product portfolio consists of filling installations, bulk weighing solutions (flow and belt weighers) and industrial scales. We distinguish ourselves in the market with tailor-made weighing solutions: from standalone weighing machines to custom-made processing machines with built-in weighing equipment.

Our design and production process always starts with an inventory of your question and the development of the most suitable solution. Our knowledge and experience weigh heavily in this and make the difference in the quality, effectiveness and adaptability of the machines in your business process. The weighing solutions we produce are 100% verifiable: we are NMi certified.

We are proud of our company and of the products we supply. At our company location in Lisse, we work with more than 25 people on your assignments. With extreme precision and with a smile on our face. We enjoy our profession and do everything we can every day to provide you with the best possible service. Calibrated the best on the market, that’s what we stand for!





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