All-round technician

As an All-round Mechanic at Romédes you have a very varied position with a broad field of work in an informal working environment. That is why we are looking for an independent, reliable and stress-resistant colleague with good communication and social skills. The work consists of CNC and conventional machining, assembly work and installation, maintenance and customer support. By working on the basis of passion, reliability and solidarity, we achieve qualitative and innovative end results as a team. Exceeding customer expectations where possible forms the basis during the execution of work. Are you interested? Send your application including motivation and CV to; Romedes Engineering B.V. Attn. Ralph Wessels -



Wanted profile

• Knowledge and experience with milling, turning and grinding
• Working and thinking level is at least equivalent to an MBO level 4 diploma
• Willing to take professional technical training and/or courses
• In possession of a valid driving license B
• Several years of experience as a mechanical technician of machines/units
• Some knowledge and experience in reading electrical diagrams is an advantage

Are you interested?
Send your application including motivation and CV to;
Romedes Engineering B.V. Attn. Ralph Wessels –


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