AXO 2400 Tubefillingmachine / Axomatic / Tube closingmachine / Tube fillingmachine / Tubes

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Allround Engineering BV offers a range of automatic machines for filling and closing of both plastic and aluminium tubes.
The machines are ranging from semi-automatic models where the tube is manually deployed and aligned, to fully automatic models with capacities up to 200 tubes per minute.
The machines are very flexible. There can be several different sizes of tubes and different products processed on the same machine. The size parts can be changed without using any tools and the conversion time is no longer than 10 minutes.
The advantages of an automatic tube filling machine:
– Fast product change
– Quick format change without tools
– Automatic settings with product memory
– Compact construction
– New quick conversion method from plastic to an aluminium locking head
– Ergonomic design
– High quality robust construction of the machine and driving
– Good price / performance ratio
– Labelling / laser coding / inkjet of the tube inline

The machine is on display in our showroom. For more information or an appointment please see our contact information.

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